Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dancing Barefoot In The Sun & Other Adventures

This weekend I caught up with a friend from my Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School class...Sophie Lindsay! Was a quick hello...but really cool to see her! She taught me French before I moved to Paris so it was nice to show off my improved vocab...


I went and supported Franck in a showing of Les Dents Du Serpent at Théâtre de l'Est


Finished another application (this is my third year - gotta be in to win!) for an AMP Scholarship. Much less writing to do this year! Limit of 250 characters instead of 250 words!

My thing is Clown School in Paris

...Mum! Dad!...I'm going to Clown school!... I want to make people smile and laugh all over the world by becoming a professional 'idiot'.

The nature of my goal

To complete the second year of actor training at International theatre school: École Philippe Gaulier, Paris.


I went to Villette Sonique at Parc de la Villette. A free music festival in the sun.

A highlight was a Canadian band called Caribou.

Really great to have a boogie barefoot on grass in the sun!


Also watched the UEFA Champions League final...FC Barcelona VS Manchester United.

Barcelona wins!!! A great game!!! Go Messi!!!


And had a dinner party at my place, which included two rounds (the first was fun, the second was shit) of Anna's famous The Irish Hat Game.

Everybody gets two pieces of paper and has to write a name of a famous person or fictional character on each piece of paper. Then all the names get folded, and go in the hat.

Teams are decided on, and silly names too!

ROUND ONE: One team goes first. One member of a team picks a piece of paper from the hat and tries to get his/her group to guess the name on the piece of paper by saying anything but the name. Plus, you can't rhyme, or spell it out. Once a name is guessed he/she grabs another piece of paper and does the same until their one minute of time is up. Then the next team has a go, and so on and so forth until all the names in the hat have been guessed.

ROUND TWO: This time a member does the same, but can only say one word. e.g. If the name is Leonardo DiCaprio, you might say 'TITANIC'.

ROUND THREE: Same again, but this time there are no words, only mime and gestures.

~ The winners are the team with the most names guessed. ~

Tip: It's wise to listen to all the names guessed. Because although you might not get it this round, you could in the next! 

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