Sunday, March 27, 2011

Grave-Yard Joy

Had my first grave-yard shift work-weekend at Cafe Oz. 

It was fun...but working till 6am after a week at school is a tiring affair! I don't know if I'll stay much longer. Maybe just over the holidays coming up. It kills my social life - whilst I'm working my friends are partying - and whilst I'm sleeping my friends are exploring Paris. So that's the major downfall of the job. But the hours are long (but no breaks! conditions in France are awful) which means a good pay check each night.

On Sunday I went to school for the tech rehearsal of the second year's Bouffon showing - I've been asked to do the lighting for it. Thrown in the deep end here, but I did fine, and it will be cool to watch their process during the week (as they show every night).

Then came home, cooked a TV dinner (boil in bag for 20mins) and watched Mystery Team, a feature length film made by the YouTube comedy group 'Derrick Comedy' who caught my attention a few years ago with their video Bro Rape.

It was a fun film. Great job considering the resources they would have likely had. And just cool to see people making the kind of work they want to make. 

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