Thursday, April 28, 2011


The first half of class of today was for the girls. 

A scene from Uncle Vanya between Irina and Sonya. "The storm is over..."

"Two women - they decide to be friends in a beautiful way. This is what we need for this scene."

It's kind of as simple as that. But not simple to do! Lots of people either didn't give enough (so it feels like nothing has happened), or the new friendship was really awkward ("Yay! My Step-Mum's my friend now!"...*hug*), or it was over the top and frantic with giggling and jumping up and down. It's a fine line. It requires real sensitivity from the actors, good complicité, play, and pleasure. Anna and Steph did a great scene though. You could feel their real friendship underneath the playing of the scene, which helped.

"It's never good to good to start with two people sitting."

In the second half of the class the boys got to have a go! We did a scene between Elena and Astrov from Uncle Vanya (Act III). In the scene, Elena enters, and Astrov shows her his paintings. But really what is happening is seduction.

"He speaks about the painting - colours - there's a big erotic atmosphere around what the doctor says... The guy wants to fuck her. No doubt."

Elena needs to be a "mega bitch" too. And "when she enters - *SHUCK!* - it's sensual."

I had a go with Anna...and it was awful! The first time there was no eroticism whatsoever - I was more interested in the details of the painting than her! And the next time (we got a second try) I stupidly got us to bend down so that our eyes were in line with the tabletop in order to see the texture of the individual paint strokes. As soon as we started lowering I knew it was a bad idea! And it was! Awkward!! Philippe killed us and I said "BUT THIS IS WHAT MY DAD DOES!" but Philippe said he didn't want to hear about it...!

Again, a fine line. It's not love. It's not gay. It's not just-friends. It's sex. I guess Anna and I just aren't destined to one day be lovers...(damn!) 


Philippe said a few days ago about how as actors we can't play everything - we specialise. This makes a lot of sense. Especially like today where I'm playing a role I'm just awful at! Maybe I'm not suited to a classic seducer? I just don't get it. I'm amazing at it in real life!!

Also noticing a better feeling in the class now in terms of getting up and risking. We were tentative at the start of the week but over the last few days we've all got things moving which is great.


Finished reading War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. 

I bought the young adult's novel whilst in London at the National Theatre Bookshop. I've seen the show and absolutely loved it. It's now gone to West End, has just opened on Broadway, and Steven Spielberg is making a film of the book! Thought I would read the book to get an idea of how the adaptation to stage took place (one day I'd like to adapt a popular New Zealand children's book to stage). Interesting to see the things they've stretched and the things they've cut. Especially the things they were able to do without words. I really enjoyed the book. A great story, told in an exciting way (from the perspective of the horse), that deals with war, life and death in a really accessible way for kids.

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