Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend of Nada

I was exhausted from the week just past and so this weekend I did basically nothing I'm afraid.

Am particularly excited for my good friend Tim Carlsen and his upcoming show 'One Day Moko', which you can book for here.

But on Sunday night André came round for dinner and we jammed out the music for the first song of 100% Pure Steph: The Musical on the keyboard Axelle has had hidden away in the basement this whole time I've been here! Such a great feeling having a pianist bring life to a simple rhythm and melody I'd come up with, right then and there. The song sounds fantastic now!

We also watched the first three episodes of Chris Lilly's new series Angry Boys, which is very good. The same great formula as before. The characters seem funny and stupid to begin with, but we will come to love them and care about them and to understand them by the end.

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