Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Am The Wind & Midnight In Paris


Today I went and saw I Am The Wind by Jon Fosse at Théâtre de la Ville.

It was very good. Dark and moody. Bleak and depressing. 

Not something I usually like, but the actors, the script, and the direction was brilliant. 

Rhythmically very strong - with one actor fast and chaotic, and the other still and slow - and musically the play had nice shape.

Cool set - with muddy water, and a boat/raft that rose out of the water (surprise!) and moved on the waves with hydraulics.

Good fixed points...



Lighting and set were simple and beautiful...

Again - not something I usually like - but to me, it was very strong for the kind of play it was. And what I mean by 'the kind of play it was' is a play that questions the point of living.


Tonight I went and saw Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris.

It was really fun! Surprising and quirky and playful. It made me realise how lucky I am to live in Paris (it was a thrill to see all these locations that I've been to (including the shot of the cinema that we were watching the movie in!!!) and it got me super excited about sharing this city with Amanda in just two and a half weeks!


Scored a great apartment for Amanda and I to have just to ourselves right in the centre of Paris in the Marais.

Place du Marché Sainte-Catherine - right outside our doorstep!

And went to Franck's house for dinner. Great food. Great company. 

And then it poured down with rain and there was thunder and lightning! So a bunch of us slept over. Haha!

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