Friday, June 3, 2011

Steph: The Musical (Based On A True Steph)

Today we went over the stories we've heard so far and assigned writers and directors for them. As writers, we have to present "ten or fifteen minutes of writing to bring us to the story". And eventually we'll lead to a director realising our writing for the stage.

Looks like I'm directing Vanessa's story - although I think I have too much on my plate now. Because I'm also keen to write my Captain Cook story - which I had a revelation about today: Why make up a story about his life when his life story will already undoubtedly by incredible. More exciting than I could imagine? Basically, I made the realisation to look at real life to find stories. Because they are everywhere.

A few people got up to present ideas for how to write/stage parts of people's stories, and a few were presenting ways to open a play about Steph's story. I was doodling away at the time...


...but I was listening a bit too - and I could hear Philippe saying none of the ideas so far were as exciting as the dreams Steph evoked when she told her story. The excitement of discovering herself in New Zealand! I had an idea in my head that had been bubbling around for a bit, and then I got up and shared it.

We open in an airport in Canada. There are announcements that the flight to NZ is about to depart. The mother is saying 'be careful' etc. And Steph obviously needs to go. Eventually Steph starts singing 'Mom, I really have to go'...and then when she finally says goodbye she starts running to the plane - and whilst she runs this great silly epic musical theatre song starts: "I'm going to New Zeeeeeaaaaland." And through this song we see her whole 3 months in NZ. With dancing air hostesses, and Maoris, singing sheep, bungie jumping, hang gliding, drinking with friends - all of her adventures - until she has to go home ("I'm leaving New Zeeeeeaaaaland"). She arrives back at her mother's doorstep. Knocks. The door opens. BAM. The song ends. And then Steph says "Mom, I want to meet my Dad."

It hit the right spot. People were smiling and laughing! Philippe said this does the job we're looking for (and later he said to me I was "the only one who got the point" he was trying to get us to see) and assigned me as the writer of her story. And I'm super excited about it now! I can totally see the show: 

So after school I sat down with Steph at the park and we went through all the details of her story again. And already I can see structurally how to tell it. And I'm just feeling very inspired and motivated (and thinking about submitting it for Young & Hungry). Great!


"If you are a writer you have to give all the life."

"All details are important."


I also finished a book I started reading earlier this week: The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.

I found it to be quite formulaic, predictable, and sentimental - soppy for the sake of being soppy - but I liked the idea that people can effect your life profoundly without you ever realising. A rather LOSTian theme...

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