More Bouzin today. He is a bit of a miser. Mediocre. He lives the life of a bureaucrat.
I tried today, in a strange almost american-hippy-who's-discovered-himself-in-India kind of costume, but it was "too much artist." I tried just once, because although part of the reason I was too much artist was what I was playing, the costume was also a big reason as well.
Mike had a go before me whilst I got changed. I didn't see what was happening, but Philippe worked with him a lot. He said "we hate you when you play" and was trying Mike to just be simple.
Thomas also had a go (after Philippe questioned him why he wasn't getting up: this is what I mean by the complacency in the class at the moment) and got closer to Bouzin than we've seen. He's odd. He's annoying. He's boring. But he's hilarious.
"Everybody [in the play] must be bored by him...and we laugh."
Philippe got Mike and Thomas to paint their faces white. To look strange. "We can't recognise Bouzin....Bouzin is special."
Christian Hecq as 'Bouzin'
At the end of class I asked what Philippe thought of the Cabaret last night and he said "it was good". He was very happy with it. "I loved it...the spirit." But he said he got the feeling that in two weeks it would become a show about two guys (Ben and I). "You eat a bit a part of your friends." Our bits were good, good game, good fun, but too long, and too often. Still - I feel proud of us as a class to have put on a show with such good spirit.