Sunday, January 22, 2012

IKEA & Million Dollar Baby

This weekend I put together some new items of furniture for our apartment courtesy of our landlord and IKEA. It’s fun! It’s like Lego for adults!

Steph came over for dinner - which consisted mostly of wine, cheese and bread - and we chatted away until finally deciding to watch the first installment of The Lord of the Rings...but it was the extended edition, and pretty slow, and we quit on it before we all fell asleep!

On Sunday Amanda and I went to the flea markets in Montreuil to get some second-hand kitchen items. It’s full of old junk which is good for bargains. We got threatened by some grumpy old asshole because we took a photo of me wearing some glasses from his store. A bit of a scary adrenaline-pumping moment, but we shook it off.

And on Sunday night we (Amanda) made a great risotto with the kilogram of mushrooms Amanda got cheap from the Belleville markets on Friday and watched Million Dollar Baby.

Another Clint Eastwood film directed and produced by, and starring Clint. It was very good again. Good moody pace. Beautiful cinematography. Dark, sparse. Only a little music. Let the story and images do their job. And the writing was fantastic. I was shocked a few times. The writer was able to take us in directions I’d never imagined. What’s next, Clint?

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