Monday, January 9, 2012

Vaudeville Day One

Vaudeville is fast and light. It was rife in Paris the 1840s, in the time of Jacques Offenbach. Everything is full of colour and jokes. 

The characters are always the same. Young people who want to fuck. “It’s always a story of fucking.” They are upper-middle class (a bit snobbish) so they are well dressed - a bit ‘show off’. “The characters are not fantastic but the actors are always fantastic.” The actors are stars - even if they are a bit ‘ham actors’. And they can break the fourth wall a bit...because they know the audience loves them. “They are crazy these actors. They are not normal.”


“We study Vaudeville to have fun to be fast.”
Vaudeville is fast.
Mélodrama is slow (the opposite of Vaudeville).
Shakespeare is normal timing.


We will working mostly with Georges Feydeau plays.

A Flea In Her Ear (La Puce à l’Oreille) in particular.


Exercise one: Walk around on stage as an upperclass snob - a bit gay - and for the women - a bit open to sex - “Not a pute...but not going to wait three months...” - and when the music stops have a scene. You need a good impulse - in the voice - and a warm voice too. It’s good to see characters in the shit too. “KISS ME!” “...UH OH!”

Exercise two: There is an old woman and ‘Antoine’ the hotel maitre d beside her. And she is looking at a young handsome boy at the other side of the room. She asks Antoine (who knows everything, and has a funny low voice) questions about the boy leading to a hopeful sexual encounter.


Philippe mentioned that we need to get smart, bright, costumes for this workshop, and to keep them in good condition throughout the workshop. Get the pressed once a week. This is because the costume is a way to welcome to audience to your piece. To be a good host. You don't do that in your pajamas...


Philippe also mentioned that on the 27th of January there will be a Cabaret at the school, and that we can present something (of any genre/style) to potentially (pending on his judgement) get in the show. I'll have to think about what I really would like to work on.


Just 11 people in class today. A few people missing today but it’s going to be a much smaller class. The smallest I’ve ever experienced at this school. It’s good because it means we have more stage time. But the atmosphere is not as potent. Feeling tired at the end of the day, but was really happy with myself for playing and committing and enjoying myself. It’s good to be back!

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