Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Stomach

We started with another mock-somebody-in-the-class game. Today was Thomas. A bunch of us got up to imitate him. I had fun to poke my head and my gut out, and ended up undoing my belt and unbuttoning my pants (something Thomas often does when he sits down) and then hurriedly putting my pants back on properly whenever I answered a question. And over the exercise I let my pants slip further and further down my legs. Not exactly what Thomas was doing on stage at all, but something that we all know of him, so it got a great reaction. It made me realise that in order to mock somebody, the audience all need to know them pretty well.

"You have to take something true from him."


We did more priests, but everybody that went up was bad so Philippe changed the exercise because we were in a "bad corridor."


On Monday, we have to do a parody of a bastard that we know (one from our country). I'm gutted because I'm going to be away Monday/Tuesday (going to London) so I'll miss out. Although stay tuned for guest blog posts! I think if I had done it - which I probably could still do later - I would have done Michael Laws...a big bastard from New Zealand.


Today we did the 'Big Stomach' bouffon - in which your stomach leads you. Again with stubs for arms and tied together knees.

- Imitate the most boring woman from your country whilst dancing to the music
- Now do the same but whilst saying bad things about black/indigenous people
- Imitate a man who speaks about what he would do if he won the lottery (spend it all on himself)

Don't speak too much!
Use your arms!
Listen to the music!
Don't forget to dance!
Be charming!
Be light!
Not enough!

Then in threes, we walked slowly from towards the front of the stage, with the two on the outside idolising the middle person as if they were a king. And the middle person was to say vulgar things in a posh voice. "We send our most sincere fucking cunts." Some people sang ("singing helps to be light") little songs too. Like Charle's How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?

I had fun, when Philippe was being grumpy with my group of three, to gently say to him Why so grumpy? and There's no need to be in a bad mood. I ended up saying lots of little inspirational/motivational quotes like you can do it and believe in yourself which was fun. It's good to be charming and light, but with energy.

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