Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Thou Shalt Not Be Friends With My Friend Too Much."

More Hunchback today (the other half of class). 

We started as a group dancing gracefully to beautiful music. Then we attended Lady Diana's funeral. We had to walk solemnly in pairs from the back of the stage to the front whilst saying lovely things about Diana in a posh voice. 

Walk together!
Leave some silence!
Be gentle!
Listen to the music!

Later, we did exactly the same thing again, but changed the text from lovely things to horrible vulgar things - "She sure did like a bit of Arab cock" - but said with the posh solemn voice. Shocking! But funny.

Philippe played some music of a french crooner which we had to imitate as our bouffons. To be charming. I had fun doing this. Singing a little cheesily, with a smile on my face, and using my stubs-for-arms to accentuate my voice.

Some of us also tried reciting a poem as if at a poetry reading. I tried, mocking a Pakeha-writer who is trying to be cultural by using Māori words. My poem was called Tongariro. I was okay but then got a bit heavy. "It needs to be more sensitive...artistic."


We then did a 'tall Bouffon' and mocked (really charming) fanatic priests and preachers. I had a great time playing Bishop Brian Tamaki of Destiny Church.

I played an old teacher of mine actually, speaking Māori a little bit here and there, with an accent to go with it. I said hello to Aunty Kelly and acknowledged Uncle Biff (like one would at a Marae) and then told a story of a conversation I'd had earlier in the day between a young boy Tama. Tama had confided in me that he was having strange feelings about his friend James. And I told him to read the good book, in chapter 6:4;3 where it says "The shall not be friends with my friend too much." It was really funny, and I was having a great time. But over the improvisation I lost it as I went more and more fanatic (part of the exercise). And when Philippe beat his drum to signal for me to touch my balls (a game he'd offered earlier) I did it because I had to, but didn't make it mine. 

So at the end Philippe said I was really good "as this idiot...this mongol" but I changed towards the end in a bad way. But that's okay. I can go back to what I did before. And I'd like to. To buy a shiny suit, paint my face tanned-brown, and wear an awful mullet-wig. I could have a lot of fun to make a number, or even a show, out of this guy.


"It has to be your fun to parody...with the pleasure...'I'm going to shit on you'."

"If you are too much the character we don't see your freedom and your mock and destroy."

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