Monday, March 28, 2011

Sex Maniac Monday

I was a bit of a sex maniac in class today! From 'Samuel Says' when I asked for a kiss in a kind of rapist voice (spurred by news that a certain friend made love in the weekend), to when I played the part of the guy who decides to pay for sex after not having sex for years (I forgot the detail that he's ASHAMED!), right to the final minutes of class when Thomas (Austria) and I did a sexy seduction dance for Nonika and then her and I did the scene in which the man and prostitute (actually brother and sister) meet in a private room.

Possibly a sign that I haven't got any lately...!

But it must have helped too, because I had a lot of fun today. I was light and silly and playful and carefree. A really good space to work in!


We started class with the opportunity to try out any of the Mélos we've done so far. Catarina got up wanting to do the mentally retarded person in love scene, so I got up and played the handsome man she's in love with. But in playing the nice guy, I forgot about a Mélodramatic deep voice. "It's just TV...not actor from Monsieur Dumas". Even when playing the nice guy? "Always!"

We then did a death row kind of thing: "Ready! Aim! Fire!" You have to show/do something beautiful before "Fire!" or else you're dead. Ridiculously difficult! Practically impossible!

Finally, groups of 5 sat on chairs and Philippe played music. If you felt it was good for you - your song - then you could stand, sing, say a poem, and then do a Mélodrama scene from that place.

"We don't think you are miserable." - Not too happy when singing...

"You want to be too much alone, and alone you will have a big flop." - Listen to our friends on stage, to the whispers in the audience, to the person opening their packet of sweets.


This week for Auto-Course we are making our own Mélodramas from stories we've found in the newspaper. I heard about this horrible story of a woman in Libya who has spoken out about being raped by 15 officials, and the violent actions that took place to silence her.

And it looks like we're going to make a Mélodrama from her story.

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