Thursday, December 13, 2012

“We Love Everybody...That Is A Good Point.”

Today in class a few more numbers got the green light. Yang Yang and I re-presented our ‘moving house’ number with Yang Yang only ever saying “no problem!” which at first Philippe destroyed her for because she was too heavy. But she started to play very scared and light and unsure and it was funny. Especially with me piling crap on to her including several suitcases and an ironing board.

We also put together a section in the show of ‘deleted scenes’ which didn’t make the final cut. This was a way to showcase those who didn’t really have a number. It worked really well in the show too. You set it up like the next scenes are going to be bad, so it creates a funny and forgiving atmosphere in the audience. Everybody is happy to experience something bad! 

Tonight’s show was great. “The show starts to have a good rhythm.”

The moment with Rosemary demonstrating a flop was brilliant too because tonight she smashed it and had the audience in hysterics. Which was great for her. And funny for me and Steph. We just played it like ‘this is a strange strange night’.

“We love everybody...that is a good point.”

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