Tuesday, December 11, 2012

“You Have To Care [About] What You Do.”

More presentations in class today to get into tonight’s show.


Nicko and I presented a slightly re-worked version of our Boom...Ting! number with more problems and Philippe gave it the green light saying “it’s possible.” He said I need to look at the audience more and to really love my friend. To not be pissed off with him for getting it wrong. I’m happy to teach him.


Boris and I presented a number in which I play Monsieur Loyale and bring ‘Borito’ onstage with me to accompany me in a song...But Borito doesn’t want to sing. So we have problems and Borito ends up crying like a baby. It worked well, people laughed, and we played well together. “Okay” said Monsieur Gaulier.


I also worked very briefly with Rosemary in autocourse (my autocourse time has been in demand!) and we put together a little number. She wanted to do something with magic and when I watched it I saw that she was still trying to be funny...but she isn’t funny at all (at the moment) and so it was destined to die. I then suggested that she embrace the fact that she is hopeless at clown and make fun of that and perhaps she will find something in that way. So as Monsieur Loyale I spoke a little about the importance with clown of ‘feeling the flop’...and then introduced her onstage as someone who will give an example of a flop. “Go ahead Pronto!” And then I let her do her thing for 30 seconds or so - silence - and then say “I think we all felt it”, thank Pronto, and she leaves. We presented it in class and it worked! Everybody laughed, and Philippe said “yes.” I feel good because it was a good idea, but I feel great because Rosemary has a number again (after last night she lost her only number).


Some feedback to those numbers that weren’t accepted today:

“Don’t love the audience enough.”

“Not strong enough.”

“We don’t think they want to do well...and a clown wants to do well.”

“You have to care [about] what you do.”


The show tonight was good. I wasn’t there last night, but it was a bit full of nerves and not so great, but Philippe said tonight was much better. And it was. Lots of people were laughing a lot. I had a good time as Monsieur Loyale - dressed up in a dinner suit and wearing a fake blonde mustache. Although I didn’t really know who the heck I was presenting...Thank god for Madame Loyale (Steph). My number with Nicko worked fairly well - a bit up and down - but good laughter. Our note was that it was too long though, so we’ll speed it up a bit. My faxes number with Hannah bombed. We had very little laughter, but we’re trying something and we’ll try again. I think we need to be a lot more happy with ourselves though. My number with Boris was good fun, and the new bit with Rosemary worked well. And I was happy to play with Liz again with her angry rant. She’s become a very good friend of mine and so it’s awesome to be onstage with her. And I’m really happy she’s rocking her number because she’s had an up and down workshop with lots of doubts about her ability. But everybody loves her in her number!!!

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